New Music Composers
Are you a composer who has written music that includes recorders? Do you want to get your name out and show the recorder community the music you have to offer? The ARS now has a place to share your music with recorder players who are interested in original compositions. We invite you to submit your original compositions that include recorder. They may be for recorder ensembles, solo recorder (with or without accompaniment), or a mixed-instrument compositions. We can post .pdf files of your score and parts, .mp4 files of performances, video links, and even recorded accompaniments. Your work will be available for FREE download to logged-in ARS members, and a preview and sound sample may be accessed by anyone visiting this site. You are still free to publish and sell your music through another source, but keep in mind that once your composition is downloaded from our site, we will not monitor its usage.
Thank you for offering your music to American Recorder Society members! We appreciate your work to enrich the repertoire of New Music for recorder players, and we're happy to provide this method of distribution.Composers’ submissions must meet the following criteria:
- It must be an original composition that includes at least one recorder part (occasionally we accept arrangements or transcriptions).
- Provide your work in .pdf format (score and parts in a single file is ideal).
- Provide a brief description of the composition that will be included on our website next to the download link.
- Although not required, but highly desirable, please submit a sound file in either .mid or .mp3 format.
By submitting your work, you are agreeing to allow the American Recorder Society to publish your composition on our website, as a downloadable .pdf file, with optionally submitted sound file.
If you choose to copyright your work, please be sure to include that notice on your submitted composition. Note that it is your responsibility to monitor and enforce copyright issues.Click here for a form which will allow you to submit your composition and supplemental information.