Legacy Circle

Help secure the vision of the American Recorder Society:  a future where the recorder and its music is accessible to all, where it is valued and supported across generations, ethnicities, and cultures.

Please consider creating a bequest to the American Recorder Society through the Legacy Circle.  It is the easiest way for you to make a significant gift after your lifetime. Your bequest will ensure the artistic and educational future well into the 21st century, benefiting generations to come.

Include the American Recorder Society in your estate planning as a beneficiary under your will, your IRA final distribution, your pension plan, or an insurance policy. These are steps you can take to help secure the future of the recorder, and they cost you nothing now.

We look forward to properly thanking you and expressing to you the importance of your gift. We respect your wishes to remain anonymous, if you so choose, and any details of your gift that you wish to disclose are held in confidence.

When you become a member of the ARS Legacy Circle, we thank you by listing your name in the ARS Legacy Circle in perpetuity.

The American Recorder Society invites you to be a part of this important group.  With your support, we can secure the future of the ARS! 

Helpful Facts Concerning ARS
American Recorder Society, Inc., is incorporated as a 501(c)3 organization, federal EIN 13-2930296, having its principal address at P.O. Box 480054 Charlotte, NC 28269-5300. Its general purpose is promoting the recorder.

See our Frequently Asked Questions about planned giving to ARS. Please consult your attorney or estate planner for appropriate language in your will or trust.

For more information, please contact Susan Burns at the ARS Office by email or or by phone at 704-509-1422; toll-free 844-509-1422.

You can download the ARS Legacy Circle membership form and send it to ARS via email, fax, or regular mail.

Legacy Circle Members

Thomas R. Charsky

David W. Fischer

Dan & Carol Muss

Patsy Rogers

Irene Rosenthal

Kathy Sherrick

Linda Snow

Patsy Woods

Your gift through the ARS Legacy Circle will help us build a world where recorder playing is valued, supported, and accessible to all!