President’s Message, Spring 2021 American Recorder Magazine
As you read this, we will have passed the first anniversary of the pandemic with our recorder world going strong, albeit online.
We’ve accomplished much in the past year. We launched and executed the Recorder Artist Relief Fund, which supports a
new series of beginner recorder classes and a new play-along library, both of which provide a new income source for professionals plus new member benefits. We also recently launched a new American Recorder Society chapter, consort and recorder orchestra representative chat forum, where leaders can share successes and how-to ideas, and help one another solve problems (see the ARS Spring Newsletter for more information). And we have accomplished a redesign of the American Recorder magazine.
In surveys you told us that AR is the number one member benefit. While AR magazine in the prior design was a topnotch journal, as Benjamin Franklin said, “When you’re finished changing, you’re finished.” One goal is to appeal to a broader range of membership by featuring articles that are of interest to everyone from beginners to professionals. Thanks to membership gains and your support, we have begun to fund that effort and it is on its way to being realized. In order to make the magazine easier to read, we have updated its look and feel, something that hadn’t been done since Volume 50 rolled out in 2009. We undertook a redesign effort and engaged a professional magazine designer who worked with a subcommittee of the Board to achieve a more modern and readable design. We have an updated cover masthead, a reorganized table of contents, new article layouts that also make it easier to choose what you will read, and new placing of advertising content.
This issue is the first using the new design. I sincerely hope you find it appealing and visually more readable. Please send us your feedback!