Open Recorder Days in Amsterdam (ORDA) Returns in July 2023

Every two years, recorder players from all over the world come together for the Open Recorder Days in Amsterdam (ORDA). After a lapse due to COVID-19, ORDA will host its sixth edition. In July, ORDA is the place to be, for recorder players all over the world. The activities at ORDA-2023 for teachers and students include:
  • Concerts by Corina Marti (Medieval music), Stefan Temmingh & Wiebke Weidanz (Händel-Royal Music), Susanne Fröhlich (including two world premieres for recorders & electronics), The Royal Wind Music (Portrait of Albrecht Dürer), recorder player Erik Bosgraaf & cellist Ernst Reijseger (also known as ‘Duo Theoretically Blonde,’ playing their own compositions)
  • Competition, including finals featuring talented soloists and ensembles (ages 11 years old to pre-professional).
  • Master classes with Hester Groenleer, Peter van Heyghen & Susanne Fröhlich
  • Workshops led by recorder professionals including Bart Spanhove (Practice Practicing) and Frank Oberschelp (both intermediate and advanced ensemble workshops playing Renaissance consort music plus a piece composed by Erik Bosgraaf and Ernst Reijseger) & Peter Huppes (Fun on Stage for players 7-12 years old) *Market with instrument and sheet music vendors, and featuring occasional demonstrations
  • Fringe concerts to be announced on the ORDA web site
  • Teachers' conference, “Making the music your own: expression and stage presence in music education"
  • A performance featuring a composition by ARS member Melika Fitzhugh called “A Written Biography is an Elegy,” played by the Green Leaves Ensemble and directed by ARS member Sarah Cantor. An ARS Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion grant contributed to the publication of the composition.
July 7-9, Conservatory of Amsterdam, The Netherlands