NJ Young Recorder Players perform at Boston Early Music Festival
Three young recorder students — Avi, Kimaya and Maya--performed alongside students from around the world at Jordan Hall in Boston, MA, for the Boston Early Music Festival on June 11, 2023.
Kimaya, who attends Glenfield Middle School, said about the experience: "It was really cool to be playing with violins and a lot of big instruments and hearing how all the parts fit together.” Maya, who attends Belleville Elementary School #5, said: “We came all the way to Boston. It was awesome to play in such a big concert hall with people from Brazil, The Netherlands, and all over the world in front of a big audience.” Avi, who is home-schooled, said further: “Playing in a group makes me feel connected. I'm thankful that Montclair Early Music is enabling me do that."
The children are part of Montclair Early Music’s RecorderKids program and perform regularly in concert with adult musicians, including a June 25 event where Avi played a solo.
Julienne Pape, founder and artistic director of Montclair Early Music (MEM), commented, “I’m delighted that our young musicians are able to participate in this international event. What a wonderful experience for them! It’s our third year of participating in Boston Early Music’s Youth Program. During the pandemic, the festival was done virtually, and finally, this year, the children were able to play in person. Our mission is to give ALL children the opportunity to play an instrument. The recorder has a long history. It is part of every culture and there is a huge repertoire of music for recorders. It’s a lot more than ‘Hot Cross Buns.’”
MEM offers free and low cost lessons for adults and children. The program is partially funded by Investors Bank Foundation and the American Recorder Society. For more information, send an email to
Montclair Early Music (MEM) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization comprising amateur and professional musicians of all ages. It was established in 2010 by Julienne Pape, with the objective of raising awareness and appreciation of Medieval and Renaissance Music and to provide all people with the opportunity to learn to play an instrument in small group settings.
Left to right in photo: Julienne Pape, Avi, Kimaya, Maya