ARS Board Convenes on Zoom for its Fall 2023 Meeting

The ARS Fall Board meeting took place on Zoom from Oct 6-8. ARS Board members are spread around the United States, from Atlanta GA to Seattle WA, and conducting the meetings via Zoom has proven cost and time efficient. The Board meeting discussions are wide-ranging and productive. This meeting began with a Friday evening brainstorming session where the Board tossed around ideas for growing the ARS as a diverse, inclusive and vital community. We considered ways to retain our current membership while we attract new members to ARS, which is, after all, a recorder organization for everyone. The Board regularly looks for ways to increase the value of ARS membership, and suggestions from our members on improvements or new offerings are always welcome. 
On Saturday and Sunday, Oct 7 - 8, the Board conducted regular business, including review and approval of the slate of Board officers, and approval of the slate of new Board members to be elected in 2024. The Administrative Director and each standing committee chair reported on activities and accomplishments for the past six months. These reports generate lively discussion and ideas for further consideration. The financial report encompassed a review of ARS financial health and the 2023-24 ARS budget. The Board was gratified to award many scholarships and grants in 2023, including Educational Outreach Grants, workshop scholarships, and Diversity and Inclusion grants, thanks in large part to gifts and donations from our members and supporters. Many additions to the ARS music libraries, as well as creation of a new library for arrangements and transcriptions, are already in place, and more are still to come. Planning for Play-the-Recorder Month in March 2024 is well underway, and the composer and performer for the PtRM video have completed their work. The ARS continues to seek ways to publicize its offerings to members, chapters and recorder enthusiasts everywhere. We welcome member feedback.