Playing It Safe Virtual Session Grants

Playing It Safe Virtual Session Grant of $250 is designed to offer Chapters, Consorts, and Recorder Orchestras an opportunity to hire a recorder professional to lead a one-time virtual session for your organization. The amount of the grant reflects the significant amount of work and time that it takes teachers to prepare a 60-90-minute online class for you all to enjoy. The expectation is that the $250 will be the minimum paid to the teacher you hire for this single session. ARS will pay this amount directly to the teacher upon completion of the session. If the total cost exceeds $250, your group will be responsible for payment of the balance.
You have an opportunity to hire any teacher across North America! If there’s a teacher you’ve always wanted to have lead your group, now’s the time to make that happen. If you need help in choosing a teacher, the ARS maintains a
list of online recorder teachers that you can use as a starting point.
Playing It Safe Virtual Session Grant has been made available thanks to the generosity of our members who have donated to the
Recorder Artist Relief Fund. The ARS is providing these grants to support our Recorder Professionals and to benefit ARS members. To that end we hope that grant recipients use the funds to hire Recorder Professionals who are ARS members and that your Chapter, Consort, or Recorder Orchestra will encourage membership in ARS.
Any Chapter, Consort, or Recorder Orchestra that is a member of ARS may apply for the Playing It Safe Virtual Session Grant, regardless of the size of the group or number of ARS members. Grants will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis until allocated funds are exhausted. Sessions must occur between September 1, 2020 and May 31, 2021.
Before filling out this application, you should confirm the availability of your selected teacher for the date of your session.
When your session has been completed, you must notify ARS so that we can release payment to your teacher.
Click HERE for the Playing It Safe Virtual Session Grant Application Form.