Sponsor ARS Music and Classes

Music Sponsorship

The Members' Library Editions (MLEs) are one of the many benefits that ARS members have received since 1987 as supplements to American Recorder Magazine. This collection of more than 80 compositions offers a wide diversity of styles. These pieces are considered one of the most appreciated benefits by our membership.
See our index of MLEs here.

ARS is seeking an "angel" sponsor, which can be done either by yourself or with a group of friends, for an edition of music. Your gift will allow us to pay composers for their work, cover the cost of printing and mailing, and allow us to print longer pieces.
Will you help the American Recorder Society by being an angel and sponsoring one of our music editions? Your sponsorship will help put new music into the hands of our members. 
Your gift of $1,000 will sponsor a Members' Library Edition of music, or $1,500 will cover our annual Play-the-Recorder Day music. Please help us attract terrific composers who will inspire some wonderful recorder playing. You will receive:
  • a chance to make suggestions about the type of music you would like to sponsor,
  • a printed thank-you on the music listing you as the sponsor,
  • a signed copy of the music from the composer,
  • our deepest gratitude.
To sponsor a piece, please make a donation either online or by check mailed to the address below, with "Members' Library sponsorship" in the purpose or memo line -- -- or contact the ARS office for more details. 

Class Sponsorship

Recently, the ARS added a new sponsorship of our online beginning and second-level recorder classes. The classes consist of four Zoom sessions about a week apart taught by a professional recorder teacher. Your gift of $500 will help cover the teacher’s pay and administrative costs of running the classes. You will receive:
  • A thank you with your name and photo shown on the screen while the class moderator reads a sentence about you (or your organization) at the beginning and end of the set of four classes
  • Your name as a sponsor in our promotion of the class
  • Your name listed as a sponsor in American Recorder
  • Our deepest gratitude for supporting this introduction to recorder playing
Started during the pandemic, these classes proved a popular way to bring new people into recorder playing and generate new members for the ARS. Taught by professional recorder teachers, the classes are free to students.

Fittingly, the first sponsor of an ARS free virtual class was the North American Virtual Recorder Society (NAVRS), whose president Mike Richart said: “I received overwhelmingly positive feedback on [the recorder teacher] Greta's first session and the NAVRS sponsored class. In addition to Greta's really nice words, it was great to see the additional ‘advertising’ of the sponsor. We're very pleased with this and believe it will continue to be a ‘win, win’ for the ARS and NAVRS.”

To sponsor a piece, please make a donation either online or by check mailed to the address below, with "Class sponsorship" in the purpose or memo line -- or contact the ARS office for more details.
Members' Library Edition/Play-the-Recorder Day "Angel"  Sponsors include the following generous donors:
 Dr. John NelsonMLE 69 “The Huldufolk” by Will Ayton, 2020
 Wendy PowersMLE 70 “Breeze” by Philippe Goudour, 2020
 Nancy Frederick2021 Play-the-Recorder Day piece “Transparent Letters Across the Sky” by Melika Fitzhugh
 Susan RoesselMLE 71 “Meditation” Win Bent, 2021
 Constance PrimusMLE 72 “Owls” by Eulalie Emeriaud, 2021
 Bee NeufeldMLE 73 “Blue Ridge Water Music” by Daniel J. Hay, 2021
Altina WallerMLE 74 "The Plaint" by Will Ayton, 2022
 Connie ConferMLE 75 "Tham-ma-rong" by Sikharin Dit-em (Hai), 2022
 Eiji Miki2022 Play-the-Recorder Day piece "Fanfare: Returning" by Erik Pearson
 Dr. John NelsonMLE 76 "Umulan o Umaraw" by Joshua Jaymar Calayag, 2022
 Patsy Rogers2023 Play-the-Recorder Day piece "Quo Vadis?" by Victor Eijkhout
 Dale NeiburgMLE 77 "Recorder Haiku" by Charlotte Van Ryswyk and poet Marcyn Clements, 2023
 Dale Neiburg and The Hole in the Wall GangMLE 78 "St. Augustine Rag" by William Ruthenberg (1939-2023), 2023
Hillyer Rudisill IIIMLE 79 "Miscellaneous Thoughts on Music" by Erich Katz (1900-1973), 2023
Nancy Frederick2024 Play-the-Recorder piece "een mentaliteit" by Jamie Allen
Catherine RohaMLE 80 "Two Tenors Talk" by Suzanne Angevine, 2024
Morgan MacBainMLE 81 "Bee Happy" by Riko Suzuki, 2024
Pat BadgerMLE 82 "Blue Toots" by Donna DiBella, 2024
Linda Rising & Karl Rehmer2025 Play-the-Recorder piece "Flight Games" by Harvey J. Stokes, 2024