Virtual Chapter Meetings

Want to play with others, but you don't have a group in your area? Or, perhaps you play with a group but prefer not to meet in person due to the pandemic. Here are many options for meeting and playing with others on a virtual platform. There may be a visitor fee, or the amounts listed here may have changed -- to be sure, check the chapter website or contact their representative. All levels of players are welcome!

  • North American Virtual Recorder Society

    Our "doors" are open to anyone interested in joining our Chapter. As a North American Virtual Recorder Society member, you’ll be part of an online community of recorder players and get to participate in "playing meetings," workshops and technique sessions specific to our Chapter.  We're building a recorder community and hope you'll want to be a part of it. Check out the options below to learn more. Please note: Your first session does not require membership, but after that you must be a NAVRS Chapter member to attend playing meetings.

  • The Atlanta Recorder Society is holding virtual monthly meetings and we welcome participation from anyone who is interested in joining us. Regular dues are $25/year, Supporting membership = $50/year.
  • Lauda Musicam of Atlanta invites early musicians to participate in their online fall rehearsals. Lauda Musicam meets weekly each Tuesday evening, 7:00–8:30 PM ET, via Zoom videoconferencing platform. Lauda Musicam director Jody Miller will rehearse participants for a concert that will be presented IN PERSON on Sunday, November 13, in Atlanta. The in-person concert is not a requirement to participate, but anyone wishing to join for the actual concert will come to Atlanta for a Saturday, November 12 in-person rehearsal. Membership is $50 per semester for the online option. Lauda Musicam is a community-based early music ensemble that performs mostly Renaissance music using the types of instruments in use during that time. An evolution of the Emory Early Music ensemble, founded in the mid-1960s, Lauda took its present form in 2009 and now performs several concerts each year and is well known in the Atlanta area for the musical outlet it provides to the participants, as well as the concerts and instrument “petting zoos” they offer to audience members. For more details, visit
Anyone who is interested is invited to continue to tune in on Zoom for free "Newbies" gatherings that will be hosted 30 minutes before each Denver Recorder Society meeting (on third Sundays).  Contact the DRS vice-president Bill Urban,
  • The Greater Fredericksburg Chapter has been offering both virtual and hybrid. Our meetings are also recorded and go up on our Youtube channel so people can watch them at their convenience.
Youtube channel:
Rumble channel: (our play alongs are on rumble, but not our meetings)
  • Highland Park Recorder Society (NJ):  We welcome all Early Music lovers, players of recorders, strings, and other instruments at all levels of levels of experience. We meet from 7:30 - 9:00 P.M. on Zoom, with a Meet and Greet from 7:15 - 7:30 P.M. and a Q and A from 9:00 - 9:30 P.M. For registration information, visit
  • The Milwaukee Area Recorder Society (MARS)  is only meeting virtually via Zoom. We practice the second Sunday of the month and welcome visitors to join us. We have no foreseeable plans to meet in person, but will explore a hybrid model when we do so. Contact Deborah Dorn at for more information. 
  • The Recorder Society of Long Island has been offering Virtual meetings since September 2020, moving to Hybrid for the Fall of 2021. Our Hybrid meetings are designed specifically to provide the optimal experience for both in-person players AND virtual ones. We welcome visitors and new members. Our current membership includes players from as far afield as Michigan and Maine in the US, as well as South Africa! Meetings this year are led by Music Director, Rachel Begley. Check out our website for more details:
  • The San Francisco Recorder Society started to offer online chapter meetings starting in May of 2020. We meet monthly (except in July) on either the 2nd or 3rd Sunday for 90-minute sessions from 2PM to 3:30PM Pacific Time (5PM Eastern), and live-stream over Zoom for members and guests who can't meet in person. (Check the ARS calendar for dates.) To be included on our mailing list for chapter meetings announcements, please send a request to Be sure to include your name and hometown.