What are the Main ARS Groups?

Chapters, Consorts, and Recorder Orchestras

Making music with others is one of the biggest joys of playing the recorder.

The ARS helps you connect with recorder players around the world and with local chapters, consorts, and recorder orchestras in your area.

Gather together and share in the musical and social experience of the much-loved activity of recorder playing. Choose a group that is right for you, or enjoy all three!

Search our General Directory to find local Chapters, Consorts, or Recorder Orchestras.

Read our Community News, with reports on activities of various chapters, consorts, and recorder orchestras.

Click one of the links below to find out more about the structure of our chapters, consorts, and recorder orchestras, resources for forming a group, and forms for your group to join ARS.

Rochester ChapterRochester Recorder Society



Sarasota Earlye Musicke ConsortSarasota Earlye Musicke Consort


Recorder Orchestras
Recorder OrchestraLos Angeles Recorder Orchestra