Benefits of Membership

ARS Member Benefits

Becoming a member of the ARS means that you are a supporter of the American recorder community. Because of members like you, the ARS can provide the following rich array of benefits for its members:

American Recorder Magazine (AR)
This full-color glossy quarterly magazine is your passport to the amazing world of the recorder, with articles, reviews, and topical items.  Members have access to an archive of past issues dating from 1960 to the present.

ARS NEWS monthly e-newsletter; archives of the print quarterly ARS Newsletter
Essential for staying up to date, with current events and news of interest to recorder players. Members have access to an archive of past issues, including historical issues from the 1950's. It moved online to a monthly email format in 2022, which is included in the archive.

This monthly e-magazine includes useful tips about approaches for improving your personal playing or that of a chapter, consort or recorder orchestra. Click here for an archive of ARS NOVA issues to date.

The ARS website
A vast wealth of resources for recorder players, and information about the ARS and its activities. It is your encyclopedia of ARS possibilities and activities.
Navigating the ARS Website
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The ARS Facebook group
Share ideas, wonderful music clips, photos, etc. daily with other recorder enthusiasts. Coordinated by ARS Board members. Click here to view or join the group.

ARS Business Members
ARS is proud to support our business members by giving information helpful to potential customers. Once a year, our Business members have a page in the Winter issue of American Recorder dedicated to sharing information about what they offer. See a full list of ARS Business members

Free downloadable music
ARS currently maintains six libraries of music, which members may download at no cost:Members may click here to search the libraries and download these editions.
How to Use the Online ARS Music Libraries

Free Second-Level Classes
Beginner classes are free to anyone, but ARS members enjoy being able to take classes on varied topics from trusted professional recorder players. Classes are offered about once a quarter and have included topics on how to play bass recorder, switching from soprano to alto, and how to play Renaissance consort music.  Click here to see what is currently being offered.

Personal Scholarships and Grants
Apply for funds for workshop tuition, professional development, or educational outreach programs. Click here for more information and application forms.

Chapter Grants
Apply for funds to support the activities of your chapter. Click here for more information and an application form.

The Traveling Teacher Program
Apply for funds to bring a professional teacher to your under-served area for top-notch instruction on an ongoing basis. Click here for a program description, teacher listing, and application form.

Find a recorder teacher
ARS maintains a comprehensive searchable list of ARS member teachers.  Click here to access the directory. Find teachers who offer online lessons here.

Find other recorder players
The ARS membership list is searchable, enabling you to match up with other players, chapters, consorts and recorder orchestras. Members may click here to access the online member directory.

Events listing
ARS provides an invaluable list of recorder and early music workshops and events across the USA, Canada, and some in Europe.
Click here to view our Calendar of Events.
Click here to submit an event

Educational material
You can teach yourself to play better using the Personal Study Program and Instructional Videos on the ARS website.

Free classified ads on the ARS website
These are useful for selling or buying recorder-related items, or for advertising various personal or group recorder services. Click here to view or place an ad.

Some workshops and vendors offer a discount to ARS members.

Recorder insurance
Insurance to cover your valuable instruments is available at a discounted rate for ARS members. Click here for information.

Workshops & Festival Partners
Partner Workshop and Festival members play a vital role in our recorder community. We keep an updated list of those organizations and provide a webpage for members and advertisers.
Partner Workshop members
Workshops & Festivals 2024

Chapter, consort, and recorder orchestra support
ARS can provide support for the business activities of your local group including access to professional ARS staff, chapter and consort handbooks, sample press releases, templates for newsletters and other print materials, free artwork for your website, downloadable ARS logo, information regarding establishing a website or other social media, and many other matters of group support. The website contains a useful Chapter Handbook with tips for setting up and running a Chapter. You also have access to helpful information booklets such as membership pamphlets.

Half-price first-time membership
To introduce you to the wonders of the ARS, your first year’s membership is half-price.