Chapter Grants

CRO Grants (CRO = Chapters and Recorder Orchestras)
The members of the ARS Board of Directors invite you to consider ways which will make your chapter or recorder orchestra stronger, and allow it to provide better playing and educational opportunities for your members. In the Fall of 2018, it was decided to offer the grants to Recorder Orchestras as well as chapters. To help in the endeavor, the ARS has allocated funds for use by eligible groups.

Since September 1991, chapters needing help to increase their membership and enhance their programs have been invited to apply for $150-$500 per fiscal year. The funds must be used in the fiscal year in which the monies are awarded - note that the ARS fiscal year is Sept. 1 through Aug 31. (For example: a group applying in May of 2023 would be able to use the proceeds from September 1, 2023 to August 31, 2024).  Funds can be used for an in-person or virtual event.

The Chapters, Consorts, and Recorder Orchestras Committee awards these grants to CROs demonstrating the greatest need and/or best use of the grant. Where competition for funds exists, the ARS will give preference to CROs that plan to use grant proceeds for membership-development purposes.

ARS CRO Grants are available only to chapters or recorder orchestras having at least 10 ARS members.

Grant applications are due each year on May 15 for projects starting at any time after September 1.

Apply Online

Download Chapter/Recorder Orchestra Grant Application & Guidelines form:  PDF    Word

Other chapter grants available:

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Grant: This grant is designed to support and promote diversity and inclusion within the American recorder community, both players and audiences. Any chapter, recorder orchestra, or consort may apply. Partner Workshops and Businesses are also eligible. ARS Membership is a requirement. Applications can be submitted at any time.

Traveling Teacher Program: The Traveling Teacher Program helps recorder communities without a local recorder teacher to access top-notch instruction on an ongoing basis. Any group in an area without a local recorder teacher may apply. The ARS will subsidize one year commitments consisting of three to four visits to take place over the course of one fiscal year by the same teacher to the same community. Visits must take place between September 1 through August 31. The application deadline is May 15, to be used after September 1.