Chapter Responses to Social Distancing
Here are some ideas collected from our wonderfully creative ARS Chapters and Consorts for staying connected with members in this time of social distancing, due to the coronavirus pandemic. If you have other ideas for this list, please
let us know!
- Hold a Zoom Chapter Meeting Some chapters have braved the learning curve of Zoom and begun to meet virtually. The Dallas Recorder Society, British Columbia Recorder Society, Triad Music Society (NC), Greater Fredricksburg Chapter of the ARS, and San Francisco Recorder Society can tell you about what is needed. Generally, there is a greater role for the “host” of the meeting but both the host and the presenter(s) need to prepare differently than for an in person meeting. The August 2020 ARSNova e-Mag discusses hiring a professional to virtually lead your Chapter Meeting and introduces our Playing It Safe Virtual Session Grants. We also offer suggestions for hosting your own meeting.
- Launch an Outreach Effort to Members Some chapters began new efforts to stay in touch with their members. The Greater Fredricksburg Chapter of the ARS started a website and opened an Instagram account. That chapter also began their own Facebook page. The Sarasota Chapter issued daily emails with links to recorder performances across the world on You Tube.
- Send Out Recorded Play-Alongs Chapter leaders sometimes prepared accompaniments and emailed them to members so they could play along at home. One part of a duet or even two parts of a trio may be recorded and sent out using various techniques like mp3s, Adobe Audition, Garage Band and others. The Dallas Recorder Society, the Angelica Consort, the Philadelphia Recorder Society and the Sarasota Chapter have sent recorded parts to their members for playing along.
- Meet in Small Groups Outside Some chapters have begun to get together in person, observing strict social distancing: chairs six feet apart, a fan to circulate air even if outside, clothespins to hold music in place, hand sanitizer use, wearing masks and gloves when not playing. Sometimes the group is a small consort made up of chapter members. The Cowtown Recorder Society, the Pipe Dreamers in British Columbia, and the Aeolus Konsort (Little Rock, AK) are examples. Note: The American Recorder Society is not advocating or endorsing live meetings or any specific safety practices. Members should follow local regulations and guidelines, as well as common sense.
- Stream a Concert The Highland Park Recorder Society streamed a concert to a virtual audience on May 31. Some of the concert was performed by a father and son and others who had practiced before the lockdown.
- Encourage Use of ARS Playing It Safe Resources Some chapters have urged their members to take advantage of the opportunities mentioned in the ARS “Play It Safe” newsletter. These include online lessons offered by recorder teachers, other chapters' Zoom meetings, and more. If you are not already receiving the bi-monthly Play It Safe newsletter, you can sign up HERE.