Learning Resources for Recorder Players
Learn to Play Recorder - Resources for recorder players of all levels!

The mission of the American Recorder Society is to promote the recorder and its music. Whether you are just beginning to learn recorder or are an advanced player with years of experience, we offer a community of players locally and nationally to support your interest in the recorder, as well as a variety of resources on our website. Many of these resources are available to all recorder players, though we encourage you to consider the additional
benefits of membership in the ARS if you have not already joined.
Frequently Asked Questions These questions and answers address types of recorders, where to begin, and offer some references.
Free Online Beginner Classes ARS offers free classes, taught by professional recorder teachers, to anyone who has an Internet connection. They take place on Zoom and serve as an easy, low-stress way to get started.
Second Level classes are available to ARS members at no charge. These classes are sporadic, so keep please checking for schedule updates.
Find a Professional Recorder Teacher When you are learning recorder, it can be very helpful to take lessons with a teacher. Among our members are professional recorder teachers, who have identified themselves as such on their membership record. You may search this directory to find a recorder teacher near you. Also, many teachers are able to offer lessons via Skype or other online apps. And if you live near other recorder players but there's no teacher nearby, check out our Traveling Teacher Program, described below.
Weekend or Week-long Recorder and Early Music Workshops This page lists our "Partner Members" who offer workshops for recorder players. If you've never been to a workshop, you don't know what you're missing! All music, all day (or as much as you want), often with opportunities to try new things such as dance and different instrument families. If you need financial help, check out our
Scholarship opportunities.
Click here to see Workshops and Festivals in 2022Instructional Videos Vicki Boeckman's
How to Play the Recorder, and
How to Play Simple Songs on the Recorder are designed for beginning players. Each of these topics includes a sequence of five videos, narrated and demonstrated by Vicki Boeckman, a professional recorder performer and teacher based in Seattle, WA.
Technique Tip Videos See a variety of professionals demonstrate various recorder techniques, ranging from beginner to advanced levels.
Fingering Charts This page offers links to several thorough sources of fingering charts for various styles and makes of recorder.
ARS Facebook Group
Join the group and share recorder related questions, ideas, events,
links, and information. Open to non-members as well as ARS members.
ARS NOVA is a free monthly e-mag of the American Recorder Society, with techniques, tips and items of interest to recorder players. Anyone may sign up. We have an extensive archive categorized according to topic for easy reference.
For ARS Members:
Free Second Level Classes
Beginner classes are free to all, but Second Level beginner classes are only for ARS members. Learn from the best recorder professionals!
Traveling Teacher Program
If you're not fortunate to live near a professional teacher, the ARS offers a program to members to help a teacher come to you! Your group of recorder players may apply for a grant to subsidize the cost of travel for a teacher to visit your area three to four times a year.
Personal Study Program
The American Recorder Society Personal Study Program provides recorder players with a structured program in technique, musicianship and performance repertoire.
Scholarships and Grants
You may apply for grant funding for a scholarship to weekend or week-long recorder workshops.
Other ARS Publications
Many ARS publications are available online as .pdf downloads. These include hundreds of pieces of recorder music for download in our searchable libraries as well as publications on American Recorder Music, Playing Music for Dance, and Recorder Care.